Beitragsbilder und Dolltestberichte sind für Gäste ausgeblendet, melde dich an!
Zitat von lotusalex2000 am Dezember 20, 2023, 9:57 pm Uhr
Zitat von lotusalex2000 am Juni 22, 2024, 7:07 pm UhrSchlechte News von Moon-doll, hatte sie angeschrieben, da der Shop down war.
Yes. we are working hard to fix it .The reason is below:.
Dear Account Owner,
We have recently become aware that your account,, is in violation of section 1, child exploitation, of Shopify’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). As a result, we are no longer able to host your store on our platform and your account has been permanently closed."
We are restoring the shop which wil not sell any childlike dolls , but only older looking dolll and AI sex dolls. Hopefully it will be ready in one week again.
Sorry for this inconvienence .
Best regard!
Schlechte News von Moon-doll, hatte sie angeschrieben, da der Shop down war.
Yes. we are working hard to fix it .The reason is below:.
Dear Account Owner,
We have recently become aware that your account,, is in violation of section 1, child exploitation, of Shopify’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). As a result, we are no longer able to host your store on our platform and your account has been permanently closed."
We are restoring the shop which wil not sell any childlike dolls , but only older looking dolll and AI sex dolls. Hopefully it will be ready in one week again. |
Sorry for this inconvienence .
Best regard!
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